At LIFEGATE, we are honored by your generosity and we commit as a church to be generous to others. Our vision is to SEE PEOPLE MADE ALIVE IN CHRIST and we invite you to join us in that mission.
The vast majority of people who give at LIFEGATE Denver, give online. It’s simple and secure.
The Bible teaches us a baseline standard for giving: the tithe. When we give the first 10% of our income to the church, we put God first in our lives. Tithing is an act of worship that expresses our gratitude, faith, and love for others.
The Bible asks us to give our first and our best back to God, and He will bless the rest. We return to the Lord 10% of what He’s given us because it belongs to Him. If you’re not tithing already, a great way to start is with the Three-Month Tithe Challenge. Essentially, it’s a contract based on the promises of God in Malachi 3:10-11.
Welcome to the family! We are so excited you are here. We would love to connect with you and help you figure out your next steps.
Fill out our Connection Card and one of our staff members will follow up in the next few days.
Learn about who we are as a community and what we value at Welcome to Church. Welcome to Church is a monthly event where we invite newer members of our community to come and hear about our vision and to provide space for you to ask questions!
To register for our next Welcome to Church, visit our Events page.
Everyone has a seat at our table. Help us set the table for our community as we help people find belonging, create meaningful relationships, and grow in their faith.
Visit our Serve page for more information.
At LIFEGATE, we practice church membership as a way of committing ourselves to a local body of believers and to better serve our community.
Want to learn more about membership at LIFEGATE? See our Membership page.
Whether you have a general inquiry, a prayer request, are interested in getting plugged in, are in need of assistance, or are here to give feedback, please fill out the form below and a member of our team will be in contact with you shortly!
10200 E Girard Ave, Building D, Denver, CO 80231
Sunday Gatherings:
Sundays at 9AM, 11AM
Prayer Night:
Wednesday’s at 7pm